Wednesday, December 31, 2008

~ Goodbye & Post Mortem of 2008 ~

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir di tahun 2008. Tiada sambutan gemilang di Negeri Sembilan berikutan satu negeri masih lagi dalam tempoh berkabung atas kemangkatan Yang DiPertuan Besar Ke 10, Tuanku Ja'afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

Atan juga kelihatan tidak berminat nak ke mana-mana. Rancangan aku pada mulanya habis saja POTC - At World End aku nak ajak Atan jenjalan having dessert. But dari balik dia amek aku tadi dia tidur, bangun hanya untuk makan malam dan kemudian buzzzzz. I think I'm getting fed up with his habit but I just can't find a suitable words to convey to him. Kalau aku bercakap it sounds like membebel, kalau aku tak cakap, this... will keep on going and going and going till infinity.

What a terrible feeling to close 2008 kan? Hell yeah... let's see and post mortem what I have done and go through in 2008.

January -
1. I have a stupid crush. Damn it does feels good. It do make me realise that I am still alive. But both my feet is on the ground, it will be just a pleasure to my eyes. Nothing more!
2. I have so much negative feelings inside. I learn to self-motivated myself. Tak boleh harap to Atan or my friends to motivate me. It just don't work.

February -
1. Bought a book titled Growing Up In Trengganu. Just because I think I need to be close to my other half who is originated from there. Does it help? Yeah.. sometimes.
2. I learn that anything can be justified.
3. Keep on telling myself after all that has been said and done, you are still what & who you are.

March -
1. Busy with SRC thingy. Need to expose myself as there will no longer be a fix 2 months bonuses as usual. I need to shine.
2. Busy with birthday celebrations.

April -
1. Ibu kepada sahabat aku Ellie pulang ke rahmatullah pada 8 April jam 11:30 pagi. Di hari yang sama juga Ellie bertukar statusnya menjadi isteri kepada Arie. Kegembiraan dan kesedihan pada waktu yang sama.
2. Aku dan Nid have a wonderful day out. From breakfast till evening tea or rather evening Ultimate Ice Blended from Coffee Bean.

May -
1. Tun Mahathir keluar dari UMNO. Che Det juga telah menjadi seorang blogger. Seronok membaca tulisan Che Det yang adakalanya sinis tetapi sangat dalam maknanya.
2. Beberapa kali dalam bulan May aku di landa stress. Yang amat. Yang sangat.

June -
1. My hate for chat room growing bigger and bigger.
2. Aku kembali berfikir akan keadaan aku jika aku di panggil Ilahi. Bersediakah aku?
3. Kenduri tahlil untuk arwah Atuk & Wan di adakan di kampung.
4. CAP ada t shirt sendiri!
5. CAP BAU having hell of good times during morning briefing. Games and lots of activities.
6. Card Ops outing di A Famosa Resort.
7. I bought a RM19 black and white Jack Skellington wallet.

July -
1. Terbaca kisah Bai yang berjaya turunkan berat hingga 120kg. Tiba-tiba semangat memuncak untuk kuruskan badan.
2. Outing dengan Johanna dan Acu. Makan-makan di Chili's KLCC.
3. I made a mistake which I really regret and I promise it will not happen again.
4. Aku pegi tengok SEPI.
5. Parents In Law in the house.
6. Kurang sihat asik sakit dada dan susah bernafas.

August -
1. Aku ambil cabaran untuk menguruskan show CAP BAU untuk O & T dinner. It is okey at first but towards the middle of training, I encounter some problem with the boss. Lesson learn don't assume. Especially if your boss is unpredictable type. Kesian Johanna jadi trainer. Next year no more help from me or my sister!
2. Hairan dengan few manusia yang baru jer pandai menari tetapi ragamnya macam dah diva la sangat.
3. Celebrate my 33rd birthday by myself. No cakes, no candles, no nothing. This still left an empty space that I can't explain in my heart.
4. Cuti-cuti ke Cameron Highland dengan Atan, Irfan, Mak, Ayah dan Ayoi. Stay kat Equatorial CH, OCBC apartment.
5. Aku menjadi terlalu rindu pada arwah Atuk & Wan.

September -
1. Ramadhan menjelma. Banyak berbuka di luar dengan kawan-kawan.
2. Irfan 1st puasa penuh on 16/9/2008. Alhamdullillah.
3. Shooting Pra Raya di CAP BAU.
4. Reunion STTJ 91/92 di Intai Intai.
5. Amek part time maid untuk kemas rumah. Tak larat sungguh nak memanjat-manjat lap tingkap yang banyak tu.

October -
1. Raya lah! Terengganu turn this year.
2. Hee Mun transfered to Trade Finance.
3. A colleague guess that I have writen something bad on my blog that meant for her. Instead of asking me she go and talk to other people. My heart is crushed when she accused me of something that I didn't do. A decision has been made to prevent my heart bled further.
4. Made a damn rich cocoa pudding that really yummmmmmmy!
5. A series of miscall by a Celcom number. Go to hell you scum!
6. Ordered a masquerade mask from Evon T. So elegant.

November -
1. Minum petang di Doraisamy.
2. I've tried few new recipes in November.
3. Amazing Race Asia 3 won by the Hongkees, Sam & Vince.

December -
1. A very bad rating on my appraisal despite so much thing I've done through out the year. It is useless to argue. It will not change a thing.
2. Filling few IJP forms and get interviewed by one of the department.
3. I am very negative lately. No self motivation can motivate me at this point of time. I just go with the flow.
4. I believe I have become a racist. You must become a racist to spot other racist. True?
5. Seconded to ULO for two months till 28 Feb 2009.

2008 is really a roller coaster ride for my feelings. I don't think 2008 has fulfilled everything. Not even half. I notice that at the end of 2008, I still have this emptiness inside me that I know what it is but I just can't explain to anybody as it will hurt some people through out the journey.

I hope 2009 will be brighter and more calm and being good to me. Farewell 2008! Thank you for teaching me being me!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

~ Kenapa Yer? ~

Semenjak dua menjak nih ada rasa aman sket... kenapa yer? (dengan senyum sinis dan kening sebelah terangkat gaya Ziana Zain)

Monday, December 29, 2008

~ Chicken Hor Fun ala Moon ~

Baru-baru nih aku terkejut dapat email dari seorang kawan yang mengatakan Old Town Kopitiam tidak halal. Hmmm tidak sepenuhnya. Hasil dari carian info di web JAKIM, aku telah menemukan hanya kopi segera 3 + 1 dan teh segera yang di jual di Old Town Kopitiam di sahkan halal oleh JAKIM Perak. Produk yang lain termasuk makanan yang di sediakan di kopitiam itu tidak dapat di sahkan ke halalannya.

Aku salah seorang yang suka makan di Old Town Kopitiam. Faktor dekat dengan office menjadi sebab yang paling utama untuk makan tengahari di sana. Menu pilihan aku pulak Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun dan Hot Xi Mut Tea.

Dan oleh kerana status kehalalan makanan di sana telah di ragui oleh aku sendiri, maka sudah pastinya aku tak akan makan kat sana lagi. Anyway and anyhow, untuk melepaskan dendam aku nak makan Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun di Old Town Kopitiam, aku telah menggoogle untuk resepinya. Alhamdullillah, aku jumpa resepi tersebut di Naz Rinn Chan Fotopages.

So malam nih, Chicken Hor Fun menjadi santapan untuk dinner kami.

Bagi penggemar Chicken Hor Fun macam aku, go and try! Puas hati beb!

Resepi Chicken Hor Fun

Sebungkus kuew teow (500gm++)
2 keping ayam bahagian dada
10 ekor udang besar
10 biji fishball
5 batang crab stick
3 biji bawang putih
1 biji kiub ayam
Minyak untuk menumis
1 camca teh lada putih
Sedikit minyak bijan
Air secukupnya
Garam & gula
Daun kucai

1. Celur kuew teow dan ketepikan
2. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih hingga layu. Masukkan lada putih & kacau.
3. Tuang air secukupnya. Biarkan mendidih
4. Masukkan ayam. Bila ayam masak, keluarkan dan sejukkan. Carik-carikkan ayam dan ketepikan.
5. Masukkan udang, fishball dan crabstick ke dalam sup ayam tadi.
6. Masukkan kiub ayam (jika suka) dan perasakan dengan garam dan gula ikut kesukaan masing-masing. Tambahkan sedikit minyak bijan

Cara menghidang
1. Masukkan kuew teow yang telah di celur ke dalam mangkuk
2. Tuangkan kuah
3. Taburkan ayam dan daun kucai.

Sedap lagi kalau di makan dengan sambal kicap.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

~ Gulai Ikan Kerisi ~

Bosan giler asik-asik ikan goreng, ikan masak lada, ikan masak kicap. Nak bikin ikan masak kari, Atan pulak tak makan. So hari nih, aku decide nak masak gulai yang lain sket dari kelaziman aku menggulai. Hahahahaha. Biasanya kalau gulai ikan, orang suka letak belimbing buluh ker, bacang ker, baru sedap dan mengancam. Dah aku tak der sumer benda tu. Apa yang ada dalam fridge aku hari nih, seko ikan kerisi, 2 ekor ikan kembung, selai daun kunyit yang dah kering.

Apa-apa pun, aku rasa gulai ni sedap. Sebab aku rasa tadi tekak aku kata sedap. Hehehehehe... apa-apa la.. janji leh makan.

Resepi aku untuk korang plak try.

Gulai Ikan Kerisi

1 ekor ikan kerisi
2 ulas bawang kecik
2 ulas bawang putih
1/2 inci kunyit hidup
5 biji cili api
2 sudu besar lada giling
Sehiris lengkuas
1 helai daun kunyit
1/2 sudu pes asam jawa @ sekeping asam keping
Santan kotak kecik
Minyak satu sudu besar

1. Ikan bersihkan betul-betul
2. Bawang kecik, bawang putih, kunyit, cili api dan lengkuas tumbuk lumat
3. Panaskan minyak masak dan tumis bahan tumbuk berserta lada giling
4. Dah naik bau, masukkan ikan dan balikkan agar bahan tumisan rata pada ikan
5. Masukkan santan dan pes asam jawa. Kalau pekat sangat boleh masukkan air sket
6. Carik-carikkan daun kunyit dan masuk dalam gulai
7. Perasakan dengan garam ikut tahap kesukaan masing-masing
8. Tunggu mendidih dan hati-hati masa balikkan ikan takut ikan hancur
9. Siap! Sedap di makan dengan nasi panas

~ The Big M ~

Aku masih berada dalam dimensi Sindrom The Big M = Sindrom Malas Yang Maha Hebat. I've have a lot of things to write but I just can't find that IT that make me want to write. I'll be back soon. And I hope this will not be long.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

~ Holiday Time ~

Jingle Bell Rock
Christmas Lyrics by Bobby Helms

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

Friday, December 19, 2008

~ No Longer A Class Clown ~

A few things are coming my way recently that has tested how flexible I can be. But I can be prepared for anything if I expect nothing! So I toss all my preconceived notions out the window and just hang on to my hat. The folks around me are in need of some inspiration right now, so I need to calm them by being calm myself. People are looking to me for the answers more than ever, so I can no longer afford to be the class clown. I've got to be the leader I know I can be.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

~ A Pair of Hawkeye For Sale ~

Aku sayang giler dengan kasut yang satu ini. Dua bulan dok aim, akhirnya aku beli. Sayangnya, bila dah beli, aku pakai sekali saja. Sebabnya, kaki aku nih betul-betul B shape type, so bahagian depan agak besar, manakala kasut nih bahagian depan dia agak kecil. So dengan rasa penuh kasih sayang, I have to let her go.

So anybody interested? I'm willing to let go at RM100. Aku beli dengan harga RM169.00. Baru pakai sekali saja. Fits for people wearing size 8.. or 7 1/2. Colour dia olive green, very nice colour that can match with any casual clothing. Made from leather. Oooppsss bukan leather yang ada 3 titik tu yer. The shoe really comfortable and light. Cuma untuk mereka yang bahagian kaki depannya besar macam aku, rasa ketat sedikit.

Anyone interested, please leave your name and contact number at the Chat Box. I will contact you soonest possible. Free postage untuk Semenanjung Malaysia. For Sabah & Sarawak, aku kena check dulu how much is the cost.

Item: A pair of original Hawkeye Shoe (Woman)
Size: 8
Colour: Olive Green
Material: Leather
Condition: Very Good, used only once
Price: RM100

Contact: Mona @ 0169786176 @

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

~ Understand Me ~

For those who don't understand themselves, it's impossible that they might understand you.


Don't let their choices offend you, their words hurt you, or their actions upset you. And as you come to understand them, try not to laugh once they get cranked back up.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

~ Happy Birthday Dude ~

Lampu neon mentari limau mandarin
Terpulang pada cermin kanta kita
Dan bagaimana kita melihat

Awan rumput bunga popi mentega
Mata bukanlah audiotoriti
Untuk menentukan hakikat

Ahhhhhhhhhh kami dah sedar
Betapa peritnya merdeka kepada kami

Mama janganlah marah-marah
Mama tolonglah percaya
Ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka
Setiap zaman harus ada cetusan tersendiri

Piring terbang lelayang burung garuda
Ada masa kita mereka-reka
Bosan dengan hidup yang nyata

Duyung pari-pari kuda unicorn
Tunduk selalu kepala di tonjol
Asyik dongak takut lupa diri

Ahhhhhhhhhh kami dah sedar
Betapa peritnya merdeka kepada kami

Mama janganlah marah-marah
Mama tolonglah percaya
Ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka
Setiap zaman harus ada coraknya tersendiri

Mama Mama janganlah marah-marah
Mama tolonglah percaya
Ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka
Setiap zaman harus ada coraknya

Ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka
Berilah peluang kepada kami
Anakmu sendiri

Happy 33rd Birthday dude.. wherever you are!

Monday, December 15, 2008

~ The Universe Told Me... ~

You don't have to take everything so seriously, MONA. Reality isn't black and white, answers don't have to be yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today. Act when you're ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into mold, just tell 'em that your jeans are in the wash, your angel's at the mall, and Oprah's on the other line.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

~ Farewell SRC 2008 ~

We do haved a blast of hell of good times organizing some stuff for the staff. Even the effort was not recognised nor appreciated, we still did our very best to give something for them.

We are bidding farewell to the wonderful SRC 2008 team today. We called it a CAP Year End Party cum Birthday Bash for July - December Babies cum Christmas Party. Whatever we called the gathering, I personally felt this high tea is a closure for all the jobs well done by us!

We bid farewell and we welcome the new SRC 2009. May they will come with more fantastic ideas for future events.

Me personally, would like to convey a very big THANK YOU to my fellow friends in this 2008 committee, Norhayati, Tracy Cheong & Azea Atiqah for their continous effort in making all our planning a success!


Friday, December 12, 2008

~ Welcome To The World of Blogging ~

Dan tiba-tiba aku terbaca update halus dalam facebooknya. bla bla bla has changed his website address to

Dengan cargas, aku menaip address yang di berikan. And ah hah! Akhirnya sahabat yang seorang ini sudah punya blog sendiri. Hmmmm it's about time Huzz!

Boleh la ko berkongsi segala cerita dengan readers kat luar sana. I'm one of them, tentu seronok baca kisah hidup ko yang banyak kaler tu kan?

... dan skang tinggal Nid pulak.. bila la minah tu nak ada blog pulak.. hahahahahaha

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

~ New, Old & Former Friends ~

Know how to tell which of your new friends, old friends, and former friends actually understand you?

Easy, the ones who still love you.

..... and often you can tell which of your new friends, old friends, and former friends still love you, because they are the ones who ask for nothing.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

~ Gulai Ketam ala Moon ~

Aku dari kecik sebenarnya tak leh makan ketam. Bila makan sure bibir jadi bengkak. Tapi lately nih semenjak dua menjak dah jadi tua nih, aku rasa allergic aku tu pun dah tak der kot. Dan lately nih jugak la Atan dok asik beli ketam. Tu jer yang cantik katanya, ikan sumer tak bape lawa musim-musim tengkujuh nih.

Atan soh aku masak gulai. Aku nih orang NS, yang aku tau masak gulai cili api, tapi Atan ngan Irfan tak leh makan lak karang.. pedas. Hmmm anyway... aku berjaya gak masak gulai nih. Main hentam aje. Janji bulih makan dan tak kena cirit birit.

Tapi terperanjat gak, the outcome of the gulai hentam keromo nih, sedap. Irfan punya la suka. Terperanjat aku tengok dia makan ketam. Selama nih bila aku masak ketam, tak akan dia makan de. Nevermind, next time Mommy masak cenggini lagi ek.

Nih resepi aku, mana la tau kalau korang nak cuba.

2 ekor ketam (potong 2)
1 inci kunyit hidup *
6 ulas bawang kecik *
3 ulas bawang putih *
Lengkuas sehiris *
Belacan sket *
Cili boh @ cili giling 2 sudu besar
Santan (aku guna santan kotak kecik)
Asam keping 1
Tempe sekeping (kalau suka)
Garam & gula

1. Ketam bersihkan, potong 2 dan masuk dalam periuk
2. Sumer bahan bertanda * blend dengan sedikit air dan masukkan dalam periuk berisi ketam tadi. Masukkan sekali cili boh. Pasangkan api, tunggu sampai ketam bertukar kaler.
3. Kalau air kurang, tambahkan air, takut tak berkuah pulak.
4. Masukkan tempe kalau suka. Tak pun apa saja yang korang suka boleh letak (nenas ker, belimbing ker etc)
5. Masukkan santan. Aku guna santan kotak coz aku memang simpan santan camni kat dapur. Senang, time nak masak balik keje tu tak der la sibuk nak perah kelapa. Kalau nak guna yang original lagi sedap gitu.
6. Masukan asam keping, garam dan gula. Rasa masinnya.
7. Tunggu sampai menggelegak jangan sampai pecah santan.
8. Siap!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

~ A Mixed Feelings ~

Today is 3rd of December. It means, we have been 3 days in a new month. It means too, I have not write anything or update anything here for 3 days. Since 1st of December, I have been in a not so 'happy mode'. Well I'm not totally not being happy, but some how some where there is something missing. Or slipping? Huh... I just can't figure out what?

There is certain times in our life, we felt so down but we didn't know what causing it. And let me tell you, this is the time. The air in the office doesn't help at all. Everywhere I turn, there's negative vibes everywhere. A feeling of gloomy. A feeling of emptiness. A feeling of lost. Or should I say... blank?

In world wide web, there is too much junk mail in the inbox. Too much erotic messages in YM. Too much of everything. I felt suffocated.

Thank god, the home environment is still calm. And yet so relaxing. Even though there is tons of work to do. From cooking to washing the dishes to iron the clothes to preparing Irfan's bag for tomorrow. In those hectic chores I found serenity, I found completeness, I found me.

Just want to share with all the readers something that I received in the email today. Something that do make me realise that reality is a story board without an eraser.

"Sometimes, when you're feeling your lowest, MONA, the real you is summoned.

And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost.

These realizations alone will set you on a journey that will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.

There is always a bright side.

The Universe"

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 3

I’m so into The Amazing Race Asia. Starts from Season 1 till now, TARA never fail to glue me to the screen. My favorite team for this 3rd season is definitely the Malaysia Team, Ida & Tania and Bernie & Henry!

The race is finish! It's done on 21 November 2008. And the winner is the Hongkees, Sam & Vince. Geoff & Tisha came 2nd followed by our one and only Malaysia Team, Ida & Tania.

The race is indeed tough, and to complete the whole leg they all must face all kinds of roadblock and detour.

This season is over, will it still have any The Amazing Race Asia 4? I do hope for that!

TARA 3 rocks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~ I Think I Love My Work ~

Feel like such an idiot today. I can’t stop yawning since morning. There is 2 possible reasons if I keep on yawning through out the day.

1. I have migraine.
2. It’s damn boring day

I don’t have migraine today, errr not yet, thank God! So it must be the 2nd reason. This is the most boring Wednesday in my life. I can say that! There is only few tasks in my queue. Then a very long hour of waiting and waiting and waiting for a work! What? Did I say work? Maaaannn… this is the most horrible Wednesday coz suddenly, I think I love to do my job!

notes: I'm not only just sit and wait haaaa.. I sign in to E Learning to occupied my time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

~ Ketam Cili ala Wana ~

Ketam yang seksi tengah posing sebelum di ngap

Hari nih aku balik awal dari ofis. Alaaa... dah selalu sangat pun balik awal. Cuma hari ini aku extra rajin plus kat dapur ada bahan. So memasak la aku malam nih untuk dinner. Asik makan kat luar jer pun bosan gak kan. Lagi pulak time ekonomi melecet nih lagi la elok makan rumah jer.

Aku bukak peti ais, ada sotong ngan ketam. Hmmmm masak ketam pun okeh gak. Nak masak apa? Gulai? Kari? Iskh.... cam tak best lak nak masak lauk bersantan malam-malam cengginih. Last-last aku teringat member aku Wana penah post satu resepi pasal Ketam Cili kat facebook dia. Apalagas, dengan cargas aku bukak pc. Sambil mendefrost ketam, aku sibuk bukak facebook.

Resepi ringkas dan mudah. Nasib baik sumer bahan tu ada kat dapur. Voila! Ketam Cili ala Wana siaaaaaappppppp!

Resepi (aku letak kat sini tanpa kebenaran Wana... aku pedulik hape... wakakakakakakaka)
nih aku copy paste dari facebook dia... kok salah ejaan ke hape... salahkan Wana (kuikuikui... ampunnnn Wana)

Ketam Cili ala Wana

4 ekor ketam belah 2 (aku ada 2 ekor ketam jer)
2 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana
6 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
1 batang serai
Stok ayam seketul

* semua bahan2 atas ni blend dengan minyak dalam 3 sudu besar so that dia jadi lumat betul macam emulsion. Itu orang takleh teka apa ada dalam gravy dia sebab lumat betul.

Cili boh 2 sudu (ikut pedas yang disukai)
Lada hitam ditumbuk dalam satu sudu (ikut suka tahap pedas nya)
Air asam jawa secukup rasa
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Sesudu kcap pekat
2 sudu besar ss cili

Perhatian: Stok ayam dah masn jadi cek dulu rasa sebelum masuk garam.

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis cili boh, sampai pecah minyak.

2. Masukkan bahan2 kisar tadi.

3. Tumis sampai naik bau.

4.Masukkan air asam jawa, lada itam, sos cili, kicap pekat, garam gula.

5. Masukkan ketam. Gaul rata.

6. Tunggu sampai kuah pekat. Jika suka pecahkan sebji telur ke dalam kuah.

7. Setelah masak, angkat dan hidang.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

~ Terkilan ~

Jauh di sudut hati, aku rasa terkilan. Tapi that's ok. I was built for all kind of feelings. Cuma sekarang, aku sangat-sangat tahu dan faham akan sikap manusia. Fool once shame on me, fool twice it is shame on you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

~ Sepetang Di Doraisamy ~

It is just a plain ordinary Friday. Fyda suggestion for a karaoke session was postponed due to only few people can make it. For that, they have change for a minum petang session at Doraisamy. Someone is craving for a hot soup!

Hot soup

Spicy nasi lemak

Maafkan la diorang nih, diorang bertahun dah tak makan roti

Ahli mesyuarat tingkap

Idaros & hubby - Mizi

Fyda & Kechik

Posing maut

model iklan sup kambing

Mamak! Kira!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

~ Bila Sayang Terlalu Murah ~

Dah lama aku tak buka TAGGED akaun aku. First, aku tak berapa suka dengan TAGGED. Second, banyak sangat manusia yang hura-hara dalam TAGGED tu. Tapi hari nih, masa aku dok clean up my gmail inbox, ada satu email suruh aku update my alerts dalam TAGGED. So aku log in.

Seperti selalu, ada 5 friends request dimana 2 saja aku add yang 3 lain aku terpaksa reject. Kenapa aku reject? Okeh let's see how is the request look like.

1. 1st request dengan mesej "Hai sayang... u buat apa tu"
2. 2nd request dengan mesej "You look so lovely sayang"
3. 3rd request dengan mesej "I dah jatuh cinta dengan u sayang"

So patut tak aku reject mereka-mereka nih? Harus bukan? Aku tak pernah kenal mereka at the first place. Tapi mereka terus jump dengan rasa kasih sayang nye pada aku.

Ini yang membuat aku terpanggil untuk meluahkan apa yang bergelodak dalam minda aku ini. Betapa murahnya perkataan sayang dan rasa sayang itu sendiri di zaman ini. Aku tak kata la aku hidup di zaman batu, tapi pada aku, rasa kasih sayang itu dan juga perkataan sayang itu haruslah di ucapkan dengan maksud yang mendalam.

Aku juga pernah kenal beberapa manusia yang sangat senang untuk jatuh sayang pada orang lain. Bukan setakat kenal 2 atau 3 tahun, tapi brother jual cd tepi jalan pun dia boleh panggil sayang. Tak faham aku. Mungkin aku yang kuno kot? Sebab aku sangat hati-hati dengan rasa kasih sayang ini. Aku menghargainya. Dan untuk seseorang itu aku panggil sayang, bermakna orang itu telah benar-benar berjaya menambat hati aku, sebagai kawan, sebagai kekasih atau sebagai isteri.

Seingat aku, aku hanya jatuh sayang beberapa kali dalam hidup aku. Dulu cerita 10 tahun dulu, ia kasih sayang aku yang pertama. Kemudian ia hilang di atas desakan kehidupan. 2 tahun kemudian aku ketemu perasaan sayang yang baru, yang masih berkekalan hingga kini. Dan kasih sayang aku untuk sahabat-sahabat aku. Nyata mereka lah sahabat dunia akhirat. Kasih sayang itu jugak kekal hingga kini.

Aku tak tahu la dengan korang, korang senang ker berkasih sayang? Benar-benar kasih sayang atau pun hanya satu perasaan insecurity di mana korang perlukan somebody untuk mendampingi korang. Kalau korang memilih yang ke dua, maka berhati-hatilah, di zaman ini ramai manusia dan sahabat yang suka mengambil kesempatan.

Di kala bila sayang menjadi terlalu murah kita mungkin tak dapat membezakan antara yang batil dan yang benar.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

~ A Pat On The Back ~

A long hour of training and memorizing the steps has come to an end. The agony of 3 months training end up in the most memorable night. A Night of A Thousand Masks.

We meet up as early as 12 noon at the Hilton KL lobby. I'm the first one to be there, followed by Sandra, Syah and Weng Khong. Radin come to join us later. Almost 12:30 everyone is here except for Fyda and Zul who was stuck in a traffic jammed somewhere in Ampang.

We adjourned to check on the stage. Even we have known that the stage will measure at 30' x 16', we are still shocked to see it being small and rather kinda hummmm low... 2 feet from the floor. Nevertheless, that won't give us any problem. As the time slot for the 1st rehearse was given to Trade Finance, we only go for no music training.

The committee came and told us that we can go ahead with the rehearsal since the Trade Finance performers will be late. But we are not complete either; we still have to wait for Fyda and Zul. In the midst of no music rehearsal, Fyda came and join us. We can't wait for Zul anymore, and decide to have a full rehearsal. The rehearsal went smoothly and the performers are enjoying their moves. 5 minutes later, Zul arrived.

Johanna came to see the rehearsal and will help me with make up. After 30 minutes on stage, we went to take our lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop in KL Sentral. Back to the room after a hefty lunch, the performers start to prep themselves. Everybody take turn to shower. The make up artist for this event will be Johanna and me. My o my, it took us a 4 1/2 hours to complete the goth looks for them. But the result? You can see it yourself from the photo. It is just so awesome!

Around 8 pm, we make our way to the Grand Ballroom. And trust me when I say that we cause a stir once we are in the event area. I need not to say more... 12 goth-look 'ghost and ghoul' walking slowly in their character. We met our big boss at the front door and snap a few pictures with her. As we enter the ballroom, the performers were sat in one table, no 29.

They will be the 2nd group to perform. The mc of the event, Jeremy, interview Radin on his costume. It seems the team has made up as the most happening group during the event. With their Gothic look and their red, black and white costume. When their time to perform the floor really cheering up for them. The Thriller Nightmare is what we call the dance. You know when the show is a success when the floor is giving a big applause when the show ended. And that is the time when I feel personally, what I have gone through and the hassle throughout these 3 months to get the show on stage paid off.

A pat on the back is what I need. A pat on the back for a job well done!

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