Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~ I Learn My Lesson ~

Hahahahahaha.. one of my writing has created an uncomfortable feeling to a friend. A friend who thought that the writing is for her. Uh uh... she's wrong! YES YOU ARE WRONG! (yeah.. I mean you.. I know you reading this)

But by admitting that my writings is actually for her, I've known her true colour. And what I've wrote is not a nice, sweet and flowery sentence. It is more to facts and a bit cruel, but it is the only way to let people know how frustrated to have a friend like that.

To her (yeah.. I mean you.. I know you reading this) I won't apologise, as you shouldn't jump to a conclusion and accused people of something that wasn't written for you. You should come to me rather than you talk to other people. You've made a mistake, but I learned a lesson.

I learned that in this world, even though we treat friends like our family, they still have that ill feeling tormented inside them. I just wish you could realise that I treasure our friendship but I've to call it quit now, since you have chose just to be a colleague than being a sister.

As I've mentioned, I learn my lesson

... dan tiba-tiba aku teringat iklan raya TV3... "HOI... BARU HABIS PUASA.... JANGAN TAMBAH DOSA...."


Heeddy said...

Who????Tell me, tell me....

Anonymous said...

i tot yesterday i had leave a message one??????who ar? tell me lar.....

Batdeaz ~ i'm keeping the other half said...

hahahahaha.. lets play a guess game. Subject is a she. Subject is fragile. hahahahahaha

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