the best birthday wish that I received this year...
From: Mike Dooley []
Sent: 24 August 2008 21:28
To: Mona Maidhura
Subject: Your TUT Adventurers Birthday Wish!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,
Happy Birrrrthday Dear MONA,
Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!
A few years back, not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like MONA MAIDHURA doesn't come along all that often. In fact, there's never been a single one like you, nor is there ever AB\NY possibility that another will come again. You're an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no other will EVER hera, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and ALL THAT is, would sadly less than it is.
Quite simply:
You're the kind of person, MONA,
Who's hard to forget
A one-in-a-million
To the people you've met.
Your friends are as varied
As the places you go,
And they all want to tell you
In case you don't know
That you make a big difference
In the lives that you touch,
By taking so little
And giving so much!
MONA, you are AWESOME! For your birthday, friends and angels from every corner of the Universe, including buddied you didn't know you had, will be with you to wish you the HAPPIEST of days and an exciting new year in time and space. You won't be alone!
Orlando, Florida, USA
PS - MONA, This is going to be YOUR year!!
Happy Birthday dahling!
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