Wednesday, August 27, 2008

~ Work Sucks! ~

At this point of time, I really hate my job. Betul. Sangat menyampah. Sangat menyakitkan hati. Off late nih jugak, my boss meragam semacam. Don't know whether sebab dia baru potong rambut. Or maybe dia ada masalah keluarga, tapi suasana di ofis amat negatif.

Today, malang buat aku. Kerana menyangka yang dia setuju dengan arrangement tentang persembahan akhir tahun O & T. I assume yang my boss ok coz aku pernah bagitahu dia sehari selepas latihan pertama bermula, latihan tarian akan diadakan 15 minit setiap hari dan dalam 5 hari bekerja tu ada 1 hari kami akan berlatih selama 2 jam.

Betul kata orang, DON'T ASSUME. Itu yang aku silap. Maybe dia nak aku cakap dengan dia hari-hari tentang latihan tersebut. Atau mintak kebenaran setiap hari. Tapi... hmmmm bukankah dia dah bagi approval dulu? Cuma hari ini, aku nak tukar tempat latihan. Ada offer menggunakan bilik di meeting room di bangunan lain. Peluang bagus kenapa perlu tolak kan? Apatah lagi dengan keadaan ofis yang sedang dalam proses renovation.

One of my colleague dah mintak kebenaran guna meeting room dalam ofis, tapi she didn't allowed. Atas alasan, meeting room tu untuk kegunaan staff training berkaitan kerja. Dan offer dari salah seorang comittee untuk O & T show pagi tadi tu benar-benar bagus. Sekurang-kurangnya, staff yang berlatih akan rasa selesa. Selesa kerana ruang yang agak besar dan selesa dari di pandang sinis oleh staff PV yang baru menyertai kami minggu ini.

Aku silap kerana tidak bagitau my boss tentang pertukaran tempat. Dan aku dah mintak maaf atas kesilapan aku nih.

Tahu apa aku dapat? "You can do whatever you want. bla bla bla.. you choose to against me. bla bla bla... I only incharge of bla bla bla. Other than bla bla bla is not my business."

Aku terkedu. Selama ini, selama aku menjadi coordinator untuk persembahan akhir tahun nih, aku tak pernah minta sesen pun dia bayar segala usaha aku. Dari mencari idea persembahan, mencari lagu, mencari trainer hinggalah mengajar menari. Malah adik aku Johanna, dengan suka rela membantu. Tanpa banyak soal, mengajar staff-staff yang langsung tidak boleh bergerak hingga sekarang sudah pandai membaca rentak dan mengenali beat. Aku tak pernah mintak dia agung-agungkan apa yang aku telah buat.

Tapi sekurang-kurangnya ada sikit ingatlah, bak kata orang-orang tua, ORANG BERBUDI KITA BERBAHASA, hmmmmm maybe bangsa mereka ini tak kenal budi bahasa. Sesungguhnya, email yang di hantar pada aku dan di cc kepada seluruh staff yang terlibat berjaya mencalar maruah aku. Aku tidak sedih. Tapi aku rasa sangat frustrated. Aku rasa sangat terkilan. Aku rasa sangat tidak berharga. Aku rasa sebagai seorang ketua yang aku hormat, bahasa sekasar ini bukanlah satu cara yang berkesan untuk mengajar staff. Dan tiba-tiba aku rasa my boss macam kanak-kanak kecil yang merajuk. Yang perlu di pujuk dengan sebeban gula-gula berwarna-warni.

Kalau korang jadi aku apa korang buat? Apa korang rasa?

Monday, August 25, 2008

~ The Best Among The Best ~

the best birthday wish that I received this year...

From: Mike Dooley []
Sent: 24 August 2008 21:28
To: Mona Maidhura
Subject: Your TUT Adventurers Birthday Wish!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday Dear MONA,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!

A few years back, not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like MONA MAIDHURA doesn't come along all that often. In fact, there's never been a single one like you, nor is there ever AB\NY possibility that another will come again. You're an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no other will EVER hera, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and ALL THAT is, would sadly less than it is.

Quite simply:

You're the kind of person, MONA,

Who's hard to forget

A one-in-a-million

To the people you've met.

Your friends are as varied

As the places you go,

And they all want to tell you

In case you don't know

That you make a big difference

In the lives that you touch,

By taking so little

And giving so much!

MONA, you are AWESOME! For your birthday, friends and angels from every corner of the Universe, including buddied you didn't know you had, will be with you to wish you the HAPPIEST of days and an exciting new year in time and space. You won't be alone!


Orlando, Florida, USA

PS - MONA, This is going to be YOUR year!!

~ Happy Belated Birthday Dear Me ~

It's 25th August. And here comes more wishes....

From: eLLieZ de`Heart []
Sent: 25 August 2008 15:09
To: Mona Maidhura
Subject: Re: keadaan



Epi besdei to u...!

epi besdei to u..!

epi besdei to mona cayanggg muah muah...!

epi besdei to u...!!!!!!!!!!!

ape ek nakkasi ko hadiah.. ermmm...

kalo ko dtg jumaat ni aku takde..

aku balik JB... ermmmm....

Date: 08/25/2008 1:07 pm
Subject: kak mona....
hepi belated besday...moga dimurahkan rezeki..sory late....

From: Cheong Min Ting
Sent: 25 August 2008 14:17
To: Mona Maidhura
Subject: Hi!

Hi Mona,

Happy birthday to you!! I dont have your Hp number, so cannot sms you on Sunday.

How was your new workstation?

I feel better, not so cool already :D

Thank you

Tracy Cheong

Tel: 2053 7830

Bram Mavtrac (8/26/2008 11:16:48 AM): aku lupa nk call ko ari ahad tu nak wish Hepi birthday...pagi tu dh ingat dah , tah nape aritu bz sgt semalam br aku teringat balik.. ..

Sunday, August 24, 2008

~ Happy Birthday Dear Me ~

It's 24th August. And here comes the wishes...

From: Johanna at 12:05AM
Along, happy birthday ke 33. Along dh tuo...yea! yea! Hah! Leh la belanje mkn kt Tony Roma.. wakakaka.. Cyg along always.

From: Mak Su at 6:16AM

From: Mak at 12:57PM
Happy Buzzday..Long., moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.

From: Nor T Board at 1:19PM
Slamat hari lahir shabat lamaku.. mgo pnjg umur n murah rezki.. i alwiz rmember tday's date blong 2 u

Rozita Ismail wrote at 9:30pm
Hepi BuvDay Moon....takut lupaar arie ahad nantik!

Qabuzz Qalam wrote
at 12:27am
HAppy Birthday ..

Helena Maria wrote at 12:26pm

Julia Idaly Mohd Yusof wrote at 2:52pm
Wei Mona, bila ko besday? Aku tatau lak! Hepi besday my fren! May you have a smooth road ahead!

Azmee Bin Nin wrote at 11:02pm
Happy Birthday Mona, may Allah bless your wish and great future ahead.

Birthday Cake
Belinda Lim
2008-08-22 22:55:31

Delete Gift?

Are you sure that you want to delete this gift?

On 2008-08-22 22:55:31 Belinda have sent a gift to you
Personal message to you included with this gift
Happy Birthday to you
Belinda Lim
Mona Maidhura
Delete this gift
Message to you from Belinda that was included with this gift:
Happy Birthday to you

Azea Atiqah wrote at 8:43pm
kak moon, happy birthday to you...
semoga panjang umur...

Mona Maidhura you

You're older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow, Happy Bday!
From Huzairi Hassan Huzairi Hassan

May your birthday be filled with excitement, joy, and laughter.
From Rozita Ismail Rozita Ismail

  • azma
  • Posted 08/22/2008 4:00 pm
  • Myspace Layouts

  • azliNa
  • Posted 08/23/2008 9:01 pm
  • myspace graphic comments

  • cindy
  • Posted 08/23/2008 11:14 pm
  • Happy Birthday Myspace Comments

Thanks everybody for the lovely wishes. Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

~ Cameron Highland 2008 ~

Just came back from the famous CH... will post more photos which I snap when I was there... tunggguuuuu

Thursday, August 21, 2008

~ An Email ~

.. that really totally kill the optimistic Moon. I received it today. Yes, this early morning. From someone that I do respect, but yet this email really cut through my heart. It's bled. It's broken. It's hurt. When work turns out to be sucks, it's about time to recheck what I've been missing...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

~ Jalang-Jalang Kuala Terengganu Part Two ~

yeap... the continuation from Part One

Part Two - Places To Eat/What You Can Eat

I heart this pulut kelapa (glutinous rice cooked with coconut juice)

Our breakfast consist of keropok lekor rebus, Nasi Dagang, Ketupat Palas, Kuih Dadar & Kayu Kama'

Trengganu very own famous Nasi Dagang

I never miss this coffee shop whenever I'm in Kuala Terengganu, you can check it out at Wisma Jernih near to Kg Ladang. Ask for the Teh Tarik, argghhhhh heaven.

Rojak Kateh, made from beef gelatin, vinegar, chili paste & sugar. Cost you only RM1 for 1 packet.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

~ A Short Story ~

It's been a while since the last time I checked my account in WAYN. And this short story is from one of my internet friend in WAYN.

Read on...

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter,

"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me,

chances are that I may let your hand go.

But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens,

you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours...

... a short story with a deep message

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Handmade Chocolates From Seremban

As usual, when my good friend insomnia comes to visit me, I will always have plenty of times to surf around the net. And today, I was introduced to a good site that will make you eeemmmm hhmmmmmm. For chocolate lovers, do check it out.

It is not Patchi, nor Godiva.. they called themselves 'Haniez's Chocolate'. The fact that they are new, local and Muslim made, I'm so glad to see that they offered chocolate truffles. A kind of chocolates that I indulge the most.

Choc Truffle - 4 in a box

Gift Set

Gift Set special for wedding gift @ hantaran

Their own signature truffles range

Hey, check them out at Haniez's Chocolate and support our own Malaysia product.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jalang-Jalang Kuala Terengganu Part One

aa aa... nope.. the Jalang-Jalang doesn't stands for 'the unmoral people'... jalang-jalang here means jalan-jalan in Bahasa Melayu... which in Terengganu... they will put a 'G' almost at all sentences that ends with 'N'.

Part One of The Jalang-Jalang - Pasar Payang

Boats to Pulau Duyung

Boats to Pulau Duyung

Pink trishaw infront of Pasar Payang

Local delicacies, Kuih Pau. Chicken Curry flavor for only 80 sen? Wohooo... where can you get the same price in KL

View inside of Pasar Payang

(photo quite blur)
Few of items that sold at Kedai Payang, I manage to grab 1 pending (women belt made from silver/stainles steel)

Famous copper of Trengganu. Used in Malay wedding ceremony or any kenduri etc.

Mold for making kuih bakar & kuih bahulu (a traditional Malay delicacies)

Mantis Prawn & hell yeah... scallops. Fresh and smells like ocean.

Have you ever seen this fish? It was called Ikan Bayan. Yeah, it is blue in colour.

Small crabs

I think.... this fish is called Kerapu

Fresh prawn from the sea

Nope... it is not a ping pong ball. Another famous product of Trengganu, turtle eggs. Don't ask me how it taste... I wouldn't dare to try it

... to be continue

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