Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Amazing Race Asia 3

I’m so into The Amazing Race Asia. Starts from Season 1 till now, TARA never fail to glue me to the screen. My favorite team for this 3rd season is definitely the Malaysia Team, Ida & Tania and Bernie & Henry!

The race is finish! It's done on 21 November 2008. And the winner is the Hongkees, Sam & Vince. Geoff & Tisha came 2nd followed by our one and only Malaysia Team, Ida & Tania.

The race is indeed tough, and to complete the whole leg they all must face all kinds of roadblock and detour.

This season is over, will it still have any The Amazing Race Asia 4? I do hope for that!

TARA 3 rocks!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~ I Think I Love My Work ~

Feel like such an idiot today. I can’t stop yawning since morning. There is 2 possible reasons if I keep on yawning through out the day.

1. I have migraine.
2. It’s damn boring day

I don’t have migraine today, errr not yet, thank God! So it must be the 2nd reason. This is the most boring Wednesday in my life. I can say that! There is only few tasks in my queue. Then a very long hour of waiting and waiting and waiting for a work! What? Did I say work? Maaaannn… this is the most horrible Wednesday coz suddenly, I think I love to do my job!

notes: I'm not only just sit and wait haaaa.. I sign in to E Learning to occupied my time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

~ Ketam Cili ala Wana ~

Ketam yang seksi tengah posing sebelum di ngap

Hari nih aku balik awal dari ofis. Alaaa... dah selalu sangat pun balik awal. Cuma hari ini aku extra rajin plus kat dapur ada bahan. So memasak la aku malam nih untuk dinner. Asik makan kat luar jer pun bosan gak kan. Lagi pulak time ekonomi melecet nih lagi la elok makan rumah jer.

Aku bukak peti ais, ada sotong ngan ketam. Hmmmm masak ketam pun okeh gak. Nak masak apa? Gulai? Kari? Iskh.... cam tak best lak nak masak lauk bersantan malam-malam cengginih. Last-last aku teringat member aku Wana penah post satu resepi pasal Ketam Cili kat facebook dia. Apalagas, dengan cargas aku bukak pc. Sambil mendefrost ketam, aku sibuk bukak facebook.

Resepi ringkas dan mudah. Nasib baik sumer bahan tu ada kat dapur. Voila! Ketam Cili ala Wana siaaaaaappppppp!

Resepi (aku letak kat sini tanpa kebenaran Wana... aku pedulik hape... wakakakakakakaka)
nih aku copy paste dari facebook dia... kok salah ejaan ke hape... salahkan Wana (kuikuikui... ampunnnn Wana)

Ketam Cili ala Wana

4 ekor ketam belah 2 (aku ada 2 ekor ketam jer)
2 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana
6 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
1 batang serai
Stok ayam seketul

* semua bahan2 atas ni blend dengan minyak dalam 3 sudu besar so that dia jadi lumat betul macam emulsion. Itu orang takleh teka apa ada dalam gravy dia sebab lumat betul.

Cili boh 2 sudu (ikut pedas yang disukai)
Lada hitam ditumbuk dalam satu sudu (ikut suka tahap pedas nya)
Air asam jawa secukup rasa
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Sesudu kcap pekat
2 sudu besar ss cili

Perhatian: Stok ayam dah masn jadi cek dulu rasa sebelum masuk garam.

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis cili boh, sampai pecah minyak.

2. Masukkan bahan2 kisar tadi.

3. Tumis sampai naik bau.

4.Masukkan air asam jawa, lada itam, sos cili, kicap pekat, garam gula.

5. Masukkan ketam. Gaul rata.

6. Tunggu sampai kuah pekat. Jika suka pecahkan sebji telur ke dalam kuah.

7. Setelah masak, angkat dan hidang.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

~ Terkilan ~

Jauh di sudut hati, aku rasa terkilan. Tapi that's ok. I was built for all kind of feelings. Cuma sekarang, aku sangat-sangat tahu dan faham akan sikap manusia. Fool once shame on me, fool twice it is shame on you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

~ Sepetang Di Doraisamy ~

It is just a plain ordinary Friday. Fyda suggestion for a karaoke session was postponed due to only few people can make it. For that, they have change for a minum petang session at Doraisamy. Someone is craving for a hot soup!

Hot soup

Spicy nasi lemak

Maafkan la diorang nih, diorang bertahun dah tak makan roti

Ahli mesyuarat tingkap

Idaros & hubby - Mizi

Fyda & Kechik

Posing maut

model iklan sup kambing

Mamak! Kira!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

~ Bila Sayang Terlalu Murah ~

Dah lama aku tak buka TAGGED akaun aku. First, aku tak berapa suka dengan TAGGED. Second, banyak sangat manusia yang hura-hara dalam TAGGED tu. Tapi hari nih, masa aku dok clean up my gmail inbox, ada satu email suruh aku update my alerts dalam TAGGED. So aku log in.

Seperti selalu, ada 5 friends request dimana 2 saja aku add yang 3 lain aku terpaksa reject. Kenapa aku reject? Okeh let's see how is the request look like.

1. 1st request dengan mesej "Hai sayang... u buat apa tu"
2. 2nd request dengan mesej "You look so lovely sayang"
3. 3rd request dengan mesej "I dah jatuh cinta dengan u sayang"

So patut tak aku reject mereka-mereka nih? Harus bukan? Aku tak pernah kenal mereka at the first place. Tapi mereka terus jump dengan rasa kasih sayang nye pada aku.

Ini yang membuat aku terpanggil untuk meluahkan apa yang bergelodak dalam minda aku ini. Betapa murahnya perkataan sayang dan rasa sayang itu sendiri di zaman ini. Aku tak kata la aku hidup di zaman batu, tapi pada aku, rasa kasih sayang itu dan juga perkataan sayang itu haruslah di ucapkan dengan maksud yang mendalam.

Aku juga pernah kenal beberapa manusia yang sangat senang untuk jatuh sayang pada orang lain. Bukan setakat kenal 2 atau 3 tahun, tapi brother jual cd tepi jalan pun dia boleh panggil sayang. Tak faham aku. Mungkin aku yang kuno kot? Sebab aku sangat hati-hati dengan rasa kasih sayang ini. Aku menghargainya. Dan untuk seseorang itu aku panggil sayang, bermakna orang itu telah benar-benar berjaya menambat hati aku, sebagai kawan, sebagai kekasih atau sebagai isteri.

Seingat aku, aku hanya jatuh sayang beberapa kali dalam hidup aku. Dulu cerita 10 tahun dulu, ia kasih sayang aku yang pertama. Kemudian ia hilang di atas desakan kehidupan. 2 tahun kemudian aku ketemu perasaan sayang yang baru, yang masih berkekalan hingga kini. Dan kasih sayang aku untuk sahabat-sahabat aku. Nyata mereka lah sahabat dunia akhirat. Kasih sayang itu jugak kekal hingga kini.

Aku tak tahu la dengan korang, korang senang ker berkasih sayang? Benar-benar kasih sayang atau pun hanya satu perasaan insecurity di mana korang perlukan somebody untuk mendampingi korang. Kalau korang memilih yang ke dua, maka berhati-hatilah, di zaman ini ramai manusia dan sahabat yang suka mengambil kesempatan.

Di kala bila sayang menjadi terlalu murah kita mungkin tak dapat membezakan antara yang batil dan yang benar.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

~ A Pat On The Back ~

A long hour of training and memorizing the steps has come to an end. The agony of 3 months training end up in the most memorable night. A Night of A Thousand Masks.

We meet up as early as 12 noon at the Hilton KL lobby. I'm the first one to be there, followed by Sandra, Syah and Weng Khong. Radin come to join us later. Almost 12:30 everyone is here except for Fyda and Zul who was stuck in a traffic jammed somewhere in Ampang.

We adjourned to check on the stage. Even we have known that the stage will measure at 30' x 16', we are still shocked to see it being small and rather kinda hummmm low... 2 feet from the floor. Nevertheless, that won't give us any problem. As the time slot for the 1st rehearse was given to Trade Finance, we only go for no music training.

The committee came and told us that we can go ahead with the rehearsal since the Trade Finance performers will be late. But we are not complete either; we still have to wait for Fyda and Zul. In the midst of no music rehearsal, Fyda came and join us. We can't wait for Zul anymore, and decide to have a full rehearsal. The rehearsal went smoothly and the performers are enjoying their moves. 5 minutes later, Zul arrived.

Johanna came to see the rehearsal and will help me with make up. After 30 minutes on stage, we went to take our lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop in KL Sentral. Back to the room after a hefty lunch, the performers start to prep themselves. Everybody take turn to shower. The make up artist for this event will be Johanna and me. My o my, it took us a 4 1/2 hours to complete the goth looks for them. But the result? You can see it yourself from the photo. It is just so awesome!

Around 8 pm, we make our way to the Grand Ballroom. And trust me when I say that we cause a stir once we are in the event area. I need not to say more... 12 goth-look 'ghost and ghoul' walking slowly in their character. We met our big boss at the front door and snap a few pictures with her. As we enter the ballroom, the performers were sat in one table, no 29.

They will be the 2nd group to perform. The mc of the event, Jeremy, interview Radin on his costume. It seems the team has made up as the most happening group during the event. With their Gothic look and their red, black and white costume. When their time to perform the floor really cheering up for them. The Thriller Nightmare is what we call the dance. You know when the show is a success when the floor is giving a big applause when the show ended. And that is the time when I feel personally, what I have gone through and the hassle throughout these 3 months to get the show on stage paid off.

A pat on the back is what I need. A pat on the back for a job well done!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

~ Photo Raya Tahun 2008 ~

Asyik dok sebuk bercuti dan kemudian balik kerja dan kemudian dengan latihan tarian buat aku lupa ada banyak photo raya belum upload. Huhuhuhu.. raya dah habis... photo jer yang tinggal!

pagi raya kat rumah mak

pastu raya sumer datang raya kat rumah aku pulak

then jalan raya ke Mambau, rumah Wan Aruh

pastu terus gi PJ, Taman Dato Harun, rumah Tok Uda

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